Our Tried And True Tips On How To ACTUALLY Sell Your Things On Facebook Marketplace (Even The Best Day To Post!)

Five too-short weeks ago, I spilled the beans that my long-term boyfriend would be permanently relocating to LA. We’d been commuting back and forth between coasts for about two and a half years, so this was exciting for both of us! Less exciting? Downsizing his entire apartment as quickly as possible. There was a bright spot, though: we were able to fund an entire cross-country move by selling the pieces that he’d planned to donate or recycle, and it only took four days. Our secret weapon? Facebook Marketplace.

But as it turns out, I’m not the only lil’ Facebook Marketplace addict on the team! Gretchen and I got to talking earlier this week – she’s also a vintage lover (have you seen her old apartment on Apartment Therapy, or her 2024 bedroom makeover?! She has an unbelievable eye!) and we realized we both had some helpful selling tips to share. So whether you’re looking to offload a one-off piece, make a few extra bucks for your emergency fund, or launch a full-blown selling side hustle, our best advice for selling fast and earning big on Facebook Marketplace are below. You ready to free up some space and earn some dollar bills?

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Embrace The Bulk Upload

The number one critique I hear about selling on Facebook Marketplace is that it’s a clunky process and that the time spent doesn’t always justify the earnings. And honestly, until recently, I would have agreed with you! But God bless the Meta PM who dreamed up the newly-introduced Bulk Upload tool, which allows you to share 10 items in the time it formerly took to post one listing. It’s intuitive and easy. FINALLY. 🙂

You Can Earn Big On Small Stuff

…and until last week, I had no idea. When I posted a handful of lightly used mixers, air purifiers, and Instant Pots for $15-$25, I expected that I’d be taking them to Goodwill later that week. (My experience to date had been furniture- and decor-centric, so this was my first time dipping a toe into other types of home goods.)

The reality? I received hundreds of messages, the items were picked up within hours, and we found ourselves with a couple hundred bucks that I never anticipated. (If you’ve also needed to totally move out of an apartment in 100+ degree weather, I’m sure you can imagine that we were more excited by the hour-by-hour inventory reduction. Our buyers scored great deals and we earned a welcome break from the manual labor. Win/win!)

Put In Some Styling Effort

“Good lighting, a clean backdrop, and a thoughtfully styled shot can make all the difference,” says Gretch. “I believe that decent photos are truly what make or break your FBMP listing.” She’s right! A few more of her expert photography tips:

  • Always aim to style or stage the piece in a well-lit space with minimal to no clutter (read: mess) in the background. Often this means playing musical chairs with my possessions to get the shot, but I find it’s usually worth the extra trouble.
  • Include both styled and plain shots of the item – meaning if I’m selling a little side table, I might position it next to an armchair and style it with a coaster, a mug, and a book up top, while making sure that the table itself remains the focus of the photo.
  • Anything you can do to highlight the piece’s functionality or the way it might look in their space will help the buyer visualize it themselves. But there’s a balance. Too many items on the side table might make the piece feel too “used” or like you’re trying to hide some kind of damage. On the other hand, using photos of a table totally empty without any styling or context doesn’t always invite the buyer in. I like to have a mix of both, so they can see the piece dressed up and dressed down.
  • Represent the item as clearly as possible. Non-blurry photos are a must and it’s important to photograph the piece you’re selling so that color and scale ring true. If you can’t seem to nail that with photography, you can make up for it in your description.

No Pets

CUTE pup but makes you worry about hair and odor. but what’s more confusing is that is a post selling the rug and not the chair.

I love my pets. You love your pets! But you know who doesn’t love pets? The buyers on FBMP. I know the picture of your cat on the rug is adorable. I know you love the shot of your dog lazing on the sofa. Your pets are sweet lil’ babies who should, if anything, increase the sales price! How lucky your buyer is to grab a piece that was once graced by the loving presence of your tiny animal companion!

But if you want to get asking price, leave the feline and canine shots on Instagram. It sucks, but it’s true. When buyers see pets in your photo, they assume the piece is going to have fur, odor, or damage. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the photo is immaculate – you’re just going to set yourself up for a headache.

Shoot The Imperfections

“If the piece you’re selling does have imperfections, make sure to show them,” Gretch advises. “Take up-close photos of the damage and call it out in the description. Honestly is best and buyers will respect your transparency.”

But share more imagery of the good parts. If there are 4 dings on a dresser, have at least 5 photos of the piece looking great. Price is perception, you know? Make it clear that the item has been loved, but that it still has a long life left to live. Gretchen agrees that more photos are better, too: “I don’t think you can have too many photos. As long as each image is showing a different angle or a different function or a defect, the more the merrier.”

If You Have the Box, Shoot It

Are you the type to store boxes for electronics or appliances? You’re in luck – your items will sell faster. I can’t tell you why, but I can tell you that it’s (anecdotally) true, 100% of the time. I don’t know if the box implies that the item is newer, or if people just like having boxes, or perhaps there’s a magical third reason I haven’t considered? But in my experience, a photo of the box significantly expedited the selling process, EVERY SINGLE TIME. (I feel like Paul Rudd in Anchorman right now. You just have to trust me on this one, I guess.)

Video Generates More Listing Views

Listings that include a video get preferred treatment in the algorithm AND they’re more helpful for the buyer. Think about your own purchasing habits: would you rather buy a sofa with one photo or a sofa with 10 photos and a full video? ~20-30 seconds is the seller’s sweet spot – walk around the piece! Get close to any cool details! Lift cushions or open drawers, if you can! This additional context often makes the difference between a save and a sale.

Pick The First Photo Carefully

“Consider that the main photo is usually the first thing noticed as a buyer scrolls through the FBMP feed,” says Gretchen. “It’s typically cropped to a square, so make sure your first photo is fairly pulled back and that the item is centered in the frame. Better if it’s visually interesting!”

This is one of the most common mistakes I see – folks unintentionally select a close-up shot or a photo of the back of an item as the first photo. To avoid the same fate, always click the photo you’d prefer as your cover photo first!

Include A Screenshot, If Possible

If you’ve recently purchased something, it doesn’t hurt to include a screenshot of the item on the retailer’s website. It can be a helpful anchoring point! (Bonus points for including a direct link, so your buyer can price out the tax + shipping savings for themselves.)

For a vintage or antique piece, Gretch suggests, “try searching your own image with Google Lens to see if it’s sold for higher on 1stDibs, Chairish or eBay. If it is, I’ll include these screenshots in my listing to show them it’s a great deal.” (Side note: if you sell a lot of vintage and antiques, sign up for a LiveAuctioneers or Invaluable account – they make it super easy to look up recent sales prices!)

Jazz Up The Description

You know how they say that “a picture’s worth a thousand words”? THEY LIED. No one wants to buy your listing based on the photos alone, tragically enough. You’re going to need to compel any potential buyers with your words! And now that Gretch has helped you nail the perfect product photos, here’s how she thinks about writing her own FBMP descriptions.

  • Your pictures should speak for themselves, but it’s always nice to describe what potential buyers are looking at, especially anything that might add value or piqué interest.
  • For example, if the little side table I’m selling is made of real wood, I’ll say so. Better if I know what kind of wood. If I can date the piece, and rightfully call it vintage or antique, I will.
  • And if I once loved the piece but “it just won’t fit in my new place” I’ll say that. I like to think a one-sentence backstory to the item builds trust with a potential buyer.
  • Measure your item and include dimensions in the description. You could also include them in the photos with a tape measure, but regardless, someone is going to ask for dimensions.
  • Specify how you’d like to make the transaction (cash or Venmo, pick up or drop off) and roughly what part of town to meet in.
  • Usually, my descriptions end up a short paragraph or two, but I find it’s better to answer any questions that might pop up before they do.

Give It A Good Title

This matters, but it won’t make or break your sale. (That algorithm is kinda like magic – it can suggest things based on similar images, not just titles. So if your buyer has actively been searching and saving “campaign dressers” and you list your piece as “vintage dresser with brass,” the image recognition will still serve up your listing to the right person. Pretty wild, right?

But you still want to make it easy. I like the following formula:

Condition + Color and/or Material + Item Type + Details

This might end up reading like “like new green velvet armchair with piping” or “vintage lucite and glass round coffee table (4′ across).” They’re not all-encompassing, but they capture the gist. Gretchen agrees. “Use descriptive words in your title but get to the point. Think of what is the most searchable, but accurate.”

There’s No Harm In Starting High, But Don’t Expect Market Value

The good news: you can make A LOT OF MONEY on FBMP. The bad news: you can make A LOT OF MONEY, but typically only on very specific items.

You know that Chairish/1st Dibs/eBay pricing you highlighted in your listing earlier? Unfortunately, that type of shopper isn’t going to pay those prices on FBMP. Chasing that market value here is a recipe for disappointment.

My simple rule of thumb: if I bought a piece new and it’s still in good shape, it’ll sell on FBMP for 40%-60% of the original retail price. If I bought a vintage piece and it’s in similar condition, it’ll sell on FBMP for 80-120% of the original retail price. To provide yourself with some negotiating wiggle room, set your price 20% higher than the target amount you hope to earn.

Double Check It

Before hitting post, DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked on someone’s listing and after seeing two pics of the items, photos of their family reunion or their lunch fill out the rest of the gallery,” says Gretch. “If you do accidentally include an incorrect listing photo, you can always go back and edit the post later.”

Consider The Timing

Gretch and I are 100% aligned on the best day to post: Thursday. (It’s also the best time to drop the price or renew a listing, in my experience.) Anecdotal evidence: on June 27, I listed Dennis’ end tables, sofas, chairs, appliances, rugs, and lamps – 65% of it was picked up by Saturday afternoon. THURSDAY ROCKS.

“It gives people enough time to zone in on a piece before the weekend and is close enough to make solid plans for a faster pickup,” Gretch explains.

Educate Yourself Before Responding

My tip: “Is this still available?” is the default message that Facebook sends to sellers. When you write “I WILL NOT RESPOND IF YOU ASK IF IT’S STILL AVAILABLE, IF IT’S UP, IT’S STILL AVAILABLE” on the listing. It comes off as obnoxious and out of touch. Your buyers don’t want to bother you if you’re already in talks, and it takes 3 seconds to hit the automatic responses of “Yes, are you still interested?” or “In talks. I’ll let you know.” Just chill out and like…be normal, I guess? Yeah, some inquiries don’t result in sales – but if you’re not unnecessarily aggressive in your description, you’ll find a buyer way faster!

Gretch’s tip, for the web-weary: Beware of scammers. Never give your phone number out and always check the buyer’s profile. Usually, if the profile was created in the same year, it’s a scam.

(Full disclosure: I use/suggest that my buyers use Lugg for all furniture purchases, which usually requires them to get my phone number and address. After selling for almost a decade, I have a good instinct here as to when this information can safely be revealed – and you’ll develop one as well! – but if anyone freaks you out, end the transaction immediately. It’s not worth your safety!)

Have A Plan Of Action

“Know your plan of action if you end up with a ton of interest. I usually go with first come, first serve, but will often adjust based on who’s responding to me the fastest or seems the most genuinely interested,” Gretch says. I agree!

If your buyers are planning to pick up, your item, I normally lead with a nearby intersection or landmark. “We’re by Trolley Square – I’ll shoot you the address tomorrow morning once we confirm the meeting time” or “We’re 2 minutes from Wilshire and Normandie, let me know when you’re about to head out for the exact address” is totally acceptable!

Zelle And Cash Are Okay; Venmo Is Dicey; PayPal And Checks Are BAD

Accepting money from strangers on the internet can be confusing. A handy guide, based on my years of practice:

  • Zelle: Once the funds are in your account, they’re yours. You still need to be mindful of scammers here – anyone who asks for money back or who tests the waters with a small payment first does not have your best interests at heart – but Zelle doesn’t claw back payments in the way that other institutions may.
  • Cash: Cash is cash! An easy thumbs up here.
  • Venmo: While I’ve never had a problem with personal payments sent on Venmo, you can’t control your buyer. If they mark “turn on for purchases,” they can request a refund after pickup which means that they’ll bring your item home for $free.99. If this gives you anxiety, avoid Venmo.
  • PayPal: Venmo’s parent company has the same deal, with much stronger buyer protections. This is the scammer’s pickup-then-chargeback haven, and you will be left holding the bag. DO NOT ACCEPT MONEY VIA PAYPAL, OKAY?
  • Checks: They’re going to be fake, and you’re going to be the one who gets in trouble. Avoid!!!

An Annoying Buyer Is Going To Be Annoying

You know that buyer who sends a million messages, or asks a litany of questions that have already been answered in the description, or who won’t stop lowballing you, or who flakes, or who is generally just a pretty terrible person to deal with? They’re going to be that way during and after the sale, too. It’s not worth your sanity! You can always bow out respectfully. The block button can be your friend. I have no bad FBMP experiences because I take steps to stop them before they start, you know?

As you’re concluding this tiny novel, Dennis and I will be enjoying our first full day back in LA (we landed just before midnight last night after our original flights were delayed. Phew!). Selling on Facebook Marketplace gave us the financial wiggle room to afford this move comfortably while keeping stuff out of landfills – what could be better?

And a million thank yous to the genius Gretchen Raguse, who is a REAL TROOPER and a thoughtful, smart FBMP seller. (If you guys think I had a busy week, just WAIT til you hear about hers.) Til next time… xx

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