Ready To Sell, but Don’t Know Where You’ll Go?

Some Highlights

If you’re thinking of selling your house but don’t know what you should buy, you have options.
Existing homes offer a wide variety of home styles, an established neighborhood, and lived-in charm. Meanwhile, new home construction lets you create your perfect home, cash in on energy efficiency, and minimize repairs.
Whether you’re looking for newly built or existing homes, both have their perks. Connect with a real estate professional today to sell your house and find out what’s right for you.

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Waiting To Buy a Home Could Cost You

Some Highlights

If you’re thinking of buying a home but wondering if waiting a few years will save you in the long run, think again.
The longer the wait, the more you’ll pay, especially when mortgage rates and home prices rise. Even the slightest change in the mortgage rate can have a big impact on your buying power no matter your price point.
Don’t assume waiting will save you money. Connect with your trusted real estate professional to set the ball into motion today while mortgage rates are hovering near historic lows.

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